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 Nachtmahr - Mädchen in Uniform [Techno / Industrial / 2010] Torben Knöpfler 3927
 Nachtmystium - Assassins [Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3801
 Nachtmystium - Doomsday Derelicts EP [Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3506
 Nachtmystium - Worldfall EP [Atmospheric Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3530
 Naer Mataron - Discipline Manifesto [Black Metal / 2005] Oliver Schwippe 3312
 Naglfar - Pariah [Black / Death Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3669
 Nahemah - A new constellation [Progressive Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 4187
 Nahemah - The Second Philosophy [ Progressive Death Metal / 2007 ] Norman Hauer 9523
 Naildown - Dreamcrusher [Melodic Death Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3300
 Naildown - World Domination [Death/Melodic Metal / 2006] Anja Kiesow 3211
 Nakaruga - Nakaruga [Modern Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3683
 Napalm Death - Smear Campaign [Grindcore / 2006] Dominic Türk 3362
 Narziss - Echo [Metalcore / Screamo / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3893
 Nashgul - El Dia Despues Al Fin De La Humanidad [Grindcore / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3485
 Nasty Idols - Boys Town [Hard Rock / 2009] Nathalie Mohr 3948
 Native Window - Native Window [Melodic Rock / 2009] Isabelle Schulz 4006
 Naugthy Boys - R U Naughty Enough? [Melodic Rock / 2007] Johannes Wagner 4052
 Neal Morse - ? [Progressive Rock / 2005] Dominic Türk 3545
 Neal Morse - Sola Scriptura [Progressive Rock / 2007] Dominic Türk 3312
 Nebelhexe - Dead Waters [Alternative / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3806
 Nebelhexe - Essensual [Electro Pop / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3505
 Necrophobic - Death to All [Blackned Death Metal / 2009] Dominik Winter 3967
 Necrophobic - Hrimthursum [Black/Death Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3343
 Neetzach - True Servants Of Satan [Black Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3097
 Nefarium - Ad Discipulum [Black Metal/2010] Kevin Wedel 27331
 Nefarium - Haeretichristus [Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 988
 Negator - Die eisernen Verse [Black Metal / 2005] Oliver Schwippe 3587
 Neglected Fields - Splentic (Progressive Death Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3580
 Nervecell - Preaching Venom [Death Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3770
 Netherbird - The Ghost Collector [Black Metal / 2008] David Krauss 3967
 Neuraxis - Trilateral progression [Death Metal / 2006] Anja Kiesow 4147
 Never Die Alone - Havoc[Metalcore/2008] Florian Becker 3909
 Neverlight Horizon - No Heaven...Only Torment [Death Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3181
 Nevermore - Enemies of Reality [Progressive Metal / 2003] Dominic Türk 3795
 Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor [Power Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3645
 Nevertrust - Eye of the observer [Alternative Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3874
 Newman - Heaven Knows [Melodic Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3257
 Nickelback - Dark Horse [Rock / 2008] Torben Knöpfler 4509
 Nickelback - Live at Sturgis [Rock / 2008] Torben Knöpfler 3991
 Nidingr - Sorrow Infinite And Darkness [Black Metal / 2005] Oliver Schwippe 2999
 Nifelheim - Envoy Of Lucifer [Black Metal/2007] Kevin Wedel 4112
 Nightmare - Genetic Disorder [Power Metal / 2007] Johannes Wagner 4111
 Nightmare - Insurrection [Heavy Metal / 2009] Isabelle Schulz 3652
 Nightmare - The Dominion Gate [Power Metal / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3227
 Nightmission - No Saints In Black [Heavy Rock / 2005] Dominic Türk 3501
 Nightrage - A New Disease Is Born [Melodic Death Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3372
 Nightwish - Dark Passion Play [Symphonic Metal / 2007] Johannes Wagner 3952
 Nine - It's Your Funeral [Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3499
 Nine Pound Hammer - Sex, Drugs & Bill Monroe [Cowpunk / 2008] Johannes Wagner 3793
 Nion - Witches rune [Gothic/Symphonic Metal / 2008] Sabine Roloff 4012
 No Return - Manipulated Mind [Thrash Metal / 2008] David Krauss 4127
 Nocte Obducta - Nektar Teil 2: Seen, Flüsse, Tagebücher [Avantgarde Black Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 6658
 Nocte Obducta - Sequenzen einer Wanderung [Avantgarde Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3631
 Nocturnal Rites - Grand Illusion [Melodic Power Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3356
 Noisefreak - Sick Sessions [Grindcore/ 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3534
 Nomans Land - Raven Flight [Viking Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3007
 Nomans Land - The Last Son Of The Fjord [Viking Metal/Folk / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3323
 Nominon - Remnants Of A Diabolical History [Death Metal / 2006] Norman Hauer 4391
 Nominon - Terra Necrosis [Death Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 4030
 Non Human Level - Non Human Lever [Death / Thrash Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3242
 Norther - Till Death Unites Us [Melodic Death Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3253
 Norway - Rising up from the Ashes [Hard Rock / 2007] Nathalie Mohr 3790
 Nostradameus - Illusion's Parade [ Power Metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3287
 Nostradameus - Pathway [Heavy Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3137
 Noumena - Abscene [Melodic Death Metal / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3368
 Noumena - Anatomy of Life [Melodic Death Metal / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 4152
 Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure [Doom/Death Metal / 2005] Oliver Schwippe 3272
 Novembre - Materia [Melancholic Rock/Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3525
 Novembre - The Blue [Progressive Death Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3905
 Nsane - Catharsis [Metalcore/2008] Kevin Wedel 3677
 Nuclear Assault - Third World Genocide Dominic Türk 3381
 Nueva Etica - Inquebrantable [Metalcore / 2006] Christine Mommer 3282
 Nydvind - Sworn To The Elders [Pagan Metal / 2010] Torben Knöpfler 3890

73 Reviews gefunden.

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Pro-Pain - Absolute Power

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