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Reviews für den Buchstaben - F

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 Faal - Abhorrence-Salvation [Doom Death Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3855
 Face Down Hero - Opinion Converter [Thrash Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3914
 Fair Warning - Aura [Melodic Hard Rock / 2009] Dominic Türk 3599
 Fair Warning - Brother's Keeper [Melodic Hard Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 518
 Fair Warning - Fair Warning Re-Issue [Melodic Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 568
 Fair Warning - Rainmaker Re-Issue [Melodic Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 482
 Fair Warning - The Call of the East DVD [Melodic Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 511
 Faith And Fire - Accelerator [Hardrock / 2007] Norman Hauer 3604
 Fall OF Serenity - Bloodred Salvation [Death Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3736
 Fall Ov Serafim - Nex Iehovae [Melodic Black Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3339
 Fangorn - Fangorn [Black/Death Metal / 2005] Anja Kiesow 3761
 FAQ - Whitechapel [Electro / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 4032
 Far From Horizon/Cult Of Gaia - Split [Deathcore/2009] Kevin Wedel 3721
 Fatal Force - Fatal Force [Melodic Hard Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3153
 Fate - V [Hard Rock / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3461
 Fates Warning - Live In Athens DVD [Progressive Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3568
 Fear My Thoughts - Hell Sweet Hell [Melodic Death Metal / Metalcore / 2005] Dominic Türk 3672
 Fejd - Storm [Folk / 2009] Sebastian Stach 3918
 Felony - First Works [Progressive Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3764
 Fiddler´s Green - Drive Me Mad [Folk Rock / 2007] Johannes Wagner 3617
 Fightcast - Breeding a Divinity [Metalcore / 2008] Steffen Eschmann 3985
 Filter - Anthems For the Damned [Alternative/Industrial Rock / 2008] Dominic Türk 3568
 Fimbulthier - The Battle Begins [ Viking / Death Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3841
 Final Frontier - Freelight [Hard Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3322
 Final Prayer - Right Here, Right Now [Hardcore / 2006] Dominic Türk 4090
 Finsterforst - ...zum Tode hin [Pagan/Viking Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 4714
 Fireball Ministry - Their Rock Is Not Our Rock [Rock'N'Roll / 2006] Dominic Türk 3063
 Fires of Babylon - Fires of Babylon [Power Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3775
 FireScent - Suicidewalk EP [Melodic Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3862
 Firewind - Allegiance [Heavy/Power Metal / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 791
 First Aid 4 Souls - Brutpop [Electro / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3896
 Fjoergyn - Ernte im Herbst [Viking Metal / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 4291
 Fjoergyn - Jahreszeiten [Avantgarde Pagan Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3811
 Flagellation - Incinerate Disintegrate [Death Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3815
 Flagship - Maiden Voyage [Symphotic Rock / Metal / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3252
 Flesh - Worship The Soul Of Disgust [Death Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 4123
 Fleshgod Apocalypse - Oracles[Death Metal/2009] Florian Becker 3675
 Flotsam and Jetsam - Once In a Deathtime DVD [Thrash Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3559
 Flowerkings - Paradox Hotel [Progressive Metal / 2006] Anja Kiesow 3546
 Flowing Tears - Thy Kingdom Gone [Gothic Metal/2008] Simone Grigar 4156
 Fluisterwoud - Laat Alle Hoop Varen [Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3838
 Fluoryne - Dämmerung [Avantgarde Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 4192
 FM - Metropolis [Melodic Rock / 2010] Simone Grigar 4108
 Force of Evil - Black Empire [Heavy Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 4148
 Forces At Work - Reverse Feng-Shui Audio Guide [Death-Jazz-Alternative-Core Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3316
 Forest Silence - Philosophy Of Winter [Black Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3420
 Forgery - Harbouring Hate [ Thrash Metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3553
 Forgotten Land - Ancient Tales From Forgotten Lands [Black/Pagan Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3557
 Fortid - Völuspá Part III Fall of the Ages [ Black Metal / 2010 ] Jennifer Berg 3674
 Fozzy - All That Remains [Heavy Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 4059
 Fragments of Unbecoming - A Splendid Retrospection [Melodic-Death-Metal / 2009] Isabelle Schulz 3952
 Frank Zander - Rabenschwarz 2 [Heavy Schlager / 2005] Dominic Türk 3965
 Frantic Bleep - The Sense Apparatus [Progressive Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 4573
 Freedom Call - Dimensions [Melodic Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3369
 Freedom Call - The Circle of Life [Power Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 20270
 Frei.Wild - Hart Am Wind [Deutschrock/2009] Kevin Wedel 5660
 Fremitus - KulTourSchock [Folk / 2009] Sebastian Stach 4827
 Frigoris - Morgenröte [Pagan Metal / 2008] Sebastian Stach 6426
 Frontline - Circles [Hard Rock / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3602
 Frontside - Twilight of the Gods [Metalcore / 2006] Dominic Türk 3419
 Frost - Milliontown [Progressive Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3417
 Full Blown Chaos - Within the Grasp of Titans [Hardcore / 2006] Dominic Türk 2915
 Funebrarum - The Sleep of Morbid Dreams [Death Metal / 2009] Dominik Winter 4332
 Funeral - As the Light Does the Shadow [Funeral Doom Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3688
 Funeral - From These Wounds [Funeral Doom Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3231
 Funeral For a Friend - Memory and Humanity [Alternative Rock / 2008] Dominic Türk 3572
 Funeral Procession - The Red Wine Litanies [Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3778
 Futile - The Argonaut [Alternative Metal/2008] Simone Grigar 4182
 Future Trail - Breaking New Ground [EBM/2009] Kevin Wedel 3879

69 Reviews gefunden.

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Pro-Pain - Absolute Power

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