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Reviews für den Buchstaben - H

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 Hacride - Amoeba [Thrash Metal/Metalcore / 2007] Dominic Türk 3183
 Haeresiarchs of Dis - Overture [Black Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 4076
 Half Past Dead - Reborn to Bury my Pain [Metalcore / 2009] Dominik Ziegler 4022
 Hamlet - La Puta Y El Diablo [ Heavy Metal / 2010 ] Jennifer Berg 3406
 Hammerfall - Threshold [Power Metal / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 4170
 Hardingrock ft. Ihsahn - Grimen [Folk-Metal/2007] Kevin Wedel 3906
 Harem Scarem - Human Nature [Hard Rock / 2007] Dominic Türk 6035
 Harlequin - Walking the Jester [Hardrock/2007] Annika Modis 3722
 Harmanic - Forsaken Soil [ Death Thrash Metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3981
 Harmony - Chapter II: The Aftermath [Melodic Power Metal / 2008] Johannes Wagner 4051
 Hate Squad - Degüello Wartunes [Hardcore/2008] Kevin Wedel 4333
 Hatebreed - Hatebreed [Hardcore / 2009] Dominic Türk 3474
 Hatesphere - Serpent Smiles and Killer Eyes [Death/Thrash Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3385
 Hatesphere - The Sickness Within [Thrash Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3985
 Hatesphere - To the Nines [Thrash Metal / 2009] Dominic Türk 3596
 Havok - Being And Nothingness [Death Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3896
 Head - Save me from myself [Nu Metal / 2008] Torben Knöpfler 3922
 Headhunter - Parasite of Society [Thrash Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3514
 Headhunter DC - God's spreading cancer [Death Metal / 2007] Sascha 3525
 Heartbreak Radio - Heartbreak Radio [Melodic Rock / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3211
 Heathen Foray - The Passage [Pagan Metal / 2009] Sebastian Stach 4722
 Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf to Our Prayers [Melodic Death Metal / Metalcore / 2006] Dominic Türk 3805
 Heavenly - Carpe Diem [ Power Metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3797
 Heavenly - Virus [Melodic Power Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3200
 Hectic Patterns - Random [Brutal Death Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3971
 Heed - The Call [Heavy Metal / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3717
 Heel - Chaos and Greed [Melodic Metal / 2009] Johannes Wagner 3824
 Heel - Evil Days [Melodic Metal / 2007] Johannes Wagner 3403
 Heidevolk - Uit Oude Grond [Pagan Folk Metal / 2010 ] Jennifer Berg 3551
 Heidevolk - Walhalla Wacht [Folk Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 4148
 Helfahrt - Wiedergang [Pagan Black Metal / 2008] David Krauss 4298
 Helheim - Kaoskult [Black Metal / 2008] David Krauss 3940
 Helheim - The Journeys And Experiences Of Death [Viking Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3215
 Hell Within - Shadows Of Vanity [Thrash Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3244
 Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys - The Legacy [Melodic Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 9758
 Helloween - Mrs God [Single] [Melodic Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3645
 Hellsaw - Cold [Black Metal / 2009] Dominik Winter 4096
 Hellsaw - Spiritual Twilight [Black Metal / 2005] Oliver Schwippe 3441
 Helltown - Lead To Hell [Heavy Metal / 2007] Johannes Wagner 4019
 Hellveto - 966 [Epic Black Metal/2007] Kevin Wedel 3368
 Hellveto - In The Glory Of Heroes... [Pagan Black Metal / 2006] Norman Hauer 3407
 Hellveto - Neoheresy [Black Metal / 2008] Kevin Wedel 3708
 Helstar - Sins of the Past [US-Power/Speed Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 4169
 Her Whisper - The Great Unifier [Heavy Dark Metal/2008] Simone Grigar 5294
 Herman Rarebell - Too Late For Peace [Grind/Crust / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3284
 Hermh - Cold Blood Messiah [Symphonic Black Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3721
 Herod - Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight [Heavy Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3406
 Hibria - The Skull Collectors [Power Metal / 2009] Johannes Wagner 3708
 Hicsos vs Mortal Factor - Split [Thrash Metal / 2009] Sascha 3407
 Hiems - Worship or die [Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 4100
 HIM - Venus Doom [Goth Rock / 2007] Nathalie Mohr 4156
 Hod - Serpent [Oldschool Death Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3812
 Hollywood Roses - Dopesnake [Hard Rock / 2007] Johannes Wagner 3446
 Holy Moses - Agony of Death [Thrash Metal / 2008] Britta Krauss 3890
 Hoods - Ghettoblaster [Hardcore / 2007] Dominic Türk 3087
 Hoods - The King Is Dead [Hardcore / 2005] Dominic Türk 3176
 Horizon - Worlds Apart [Progressive Metal / 2004] Dominic Türk 4139
 Horn - Naturkraft [Black Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3623
 Horna - Musta Kaipuu [ Black Metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 4294
 Horncrowned - Casus Belli Antichristianus [Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3679
 Horns of Resistance - Covancide [ Death Metal / Hardcore / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3469
 House of Lords - World Upside Down [Melodic Hard Rock / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3100
 House of Mirrors - Desolation [Melodic Hard Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3064
 Human Suit - Demo [Metalcore / 2008] Norman Hauer 3866
 Human Zoo - Over The Horizon [Melodic Hard Rock / 2007] Johannes Wagner 3994
 Hyades - And The Worst Is Yet To Come [Thrash Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3768
 Hypnös - Rabble Mänifest [Death Metal / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3638
 Hypocrisy - Virus [Death Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3515
 Hämatom - Butzemann [Heavy Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3612

69 Reviews gefunden.

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Pro-Pain - Absolute Power

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