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Reviews für den Buchstaben - G

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 Galar - Til Alle Heimsens Endar [Pagan Black Metal / 2010] Torben Knöpfler 4530
 Gamma Ray - Hell Yeah!! [Melodic Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3860
 Gamma Ray - Land of the Free Pt. II [Melodic Power Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 4494
 Gamma Ray - Skeletons in the Closet [Power Metal / 2004] Dominic Türk 4086
 Gang Loco - No Better Tomorrow [Heavy Metal / 2008] Johannes Wagner 4205
 Gary John Barden - The Agony and Xtasy [Hard Rock / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3139
 Geff - Land of the free [Hard Rock / Heavy Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3575
 Genesis - When In Rome [Progressive/Art Rock / 2008] Dominic Türk 3721
 Genius - Episode 2 - In the Search of the Little Prince [Progressive Metal / 2004] Dominic Türk 3727
 Girlschool - Legacy [Hard Rock / 2008] Johannes Wagner 4156
 Giuntini Project - III [Heavy Metal / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3308
 Glass Casket - Desperate Man's Diary [Death Metal/Metalcore / 2006] Dominic Türk 3168
 Glenn Hughes - Live at Australia CD+DVD [Melodic Hard Rock/2007] Simone Grigar 4070
 Glenn Hughes - Music For the Divine [Hard Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3083
 Glenn Hughes - Soul Mover [Melodic Rock / 2005] Dominic Türk 3804
 Glittertind - Landkjenning (Folk Metal / 2009) Sebastian Stach 3651
 Gloria Morti - Eryx [Death - / Blackmetal / 2008] Norman Hauer 3986
 Glorior Belli - Meet Us at the Southern Sign [ Black metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3803
 God Forbid - IV: Constitution of Treason [Metalcore / Thrash Metal / 2005] Anja Kiesow 3217
 Goddess Shiva - Goddess Shiva [Hard Rock / 2007] Dominic Türk 3502
 GodHateCode - Aeons [Brutal Death Metal / 2008] David Krauss 3825
 Gods Of Emptiness - Consumption in Freedom? [Grindcore/2008] Kevin Wedel 3946
 Godslave - Out of the ashes [Thrash / Death Metal / 2008] Torben Knöpfler 3759
 Gojira - From Mars to Sirius [Extreme Metal / 2005] Dominic Türk 3486
 Goreaphobia - Mortal Repulsion [ Death Metal / 2009] Florian Thoma 3819
 Gorefest - la muerte [Death Metal/2005] Anja Kiesow 3613
 Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam [Black Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3314
 Gorgoroth - Black Mass Krakow [Black Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3899
 Gorgoroth - Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt [Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3860
 Gorgoroth - Trve Norwegian Black Metal: Live In Grieghallen [Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3715
 Gorilla Monsoon - Extermination Hammer [Sludge Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 5203
 Gotham O.D - Monochromatic [Gothic Metal/2007] Simone Grigar 4166
 Gotthard - Made In Switzerland - Live In Zürich [Hard Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3656
 GPS - Window to the Soul [Progressive Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3596
 Grabnebelfürsten - Schwarz gegen Weiß [Black Metal /2005] Dominic Türk 3765
 Grailknights - Return to Castle Grailskull [ Epic Death Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3397
 Grand Illusion - Brand New World [Melodic Rock / 2010] Nathalie Mohr 28712
 Graupel/Encomium - Split [Black Metal / 2004] Oliver Schwippe 3377
 Grave - As Rapture Comes [Death Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3531
 Grave - Dominion VIII [Death Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3643
 Grave Digger - 25 to Live [DVD] [True Metal / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3499
 Grave Digger - Ballads of a Hangman [Power Metal / 2009] Johannes Wagner 3827
 Grave Digger - Yesterday EP [Heavy Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3318
 Graveworm - Collateral Defect [Melodic Black Metal / 2007] Norman Hauer 3454
 Graveyard - One with the dead [Death Metal / 2009] Sascha 3339
 Great White - Rising [Hard Rock / 2009] Johannes Wagner 3893
 Green Carnation - The Acoustic Verses [Prog Rock / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3277
 Grimfist - 10 Steps To Hell [Black/Death Metal / 2005] Oliver Schwippe 3707
 Grimlord - Dolce Vita Sathanas [ Heavy Metal / 2009 ] Jennifer Berg 3473
 GrimmStine - GrimmStine [Hard Rock/2009] Kevin Wedel 3599
 Gunslinger - Earthquake in E Minor [Heavy Metal / 2009] Johannes Wagner 4098
 Gurd - Bang! [Thrash Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3447
 Gutworm - Disfigured Narcissus [Death/Grind / 2007] Kevin Wedel 3465
 Gwydion - Horn Triskelion [Viking Metal/2010] Kevin Wedel 6355
 Gwydion - Ynys Mön [Epic Viking Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 4969
 Gwyllion - The edge of all I know [Symphonic Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3723
 Gypsy Rose - Another World [Hard Rock / 2008] Johannes Wagner 4062

57 Reviews gefunden.

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Pro-Pain - Absolute Power

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