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Reviews für den Buchstaben - I

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Titel Autor: Punkte Hits
 I - Between Two Worlds [ Epic Black Metal / 2006 ] Norman Hauer 3790
 Ian Gillan - Live In Anaheim DVD [Hard Rock / 2008] Dominic Türk 3798
 Ian Gillan - Live In Anaheim [Hard Rock / 2008] Dominic Türk 3965
 Icarus Witch - Capture the Magic [US Heavy Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3528
 Ice Ages - Buried Silence [Industrial Darkwave/2008] Kevin Wedel 4736
 Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon: Something Wicked Pt. I [Heavy/Power Metal / 2007] Dominic Türk 3631
 Iced Earth - I Walk Among You [Power Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 3805
 Icon - Pain Trust Lies Disharmony [Death Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 4664
 Ignite - Our Darkest Days [Melodic Hardcore / Punk Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3533
 Ihsahn - After [Avantgarde Black Metal/2009] Kevin Wedel 3863
 Ihsahn - AngL [Progressive Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3879
 Ihsahn - The Adversary [Progressive Black Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3400
 Ikon - Love, Hate and Sorrow [Gothic Rock / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 5765
 Ikuinen Kaamos - Fall of Icons [Progressive Death Metal / 2010] Sascha 3336
 Illdisposed - The Prestige [Death Metal / 2008] Dominic Türk 4679
 Illnath - Second Skin of Harlequin [Majestic Melodic Metal / 2007] Nathalie Mohr 3421
 Illuminate - Zwei Seelen [Gothic Rock / 2006] Simone Grigar 3585
 Immortal - Sons Of Northern Darkness [Black Metal/2002] Kevin Wedel 3364
 Impaled - The Last Gasp [Grindcore/Death Metal / 2007] Tim Fischer 4604
 Impavida - Eerie Sceneries [Depressive Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3728
 Impellitteri - Pedal to the Metal [Guitar Rock/Hard Rock / 2005] Nathalie Mohr 3403
 Imperial Vengeance - At the going down of the sun [Symphonic Black Metal / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3659
 Imperium Dekadenz - Dämmerung der Szenarien [Black Metal / 2007] Dominik Winter 4161
 In Battle - Kingdom Of Fear [Death Metal/2007] Kevin Wedel 3404
 In Extremo - Am goldenen Rhein DVD [Mittelalter Metal / 2009] Dominic Türk 3544
 In Extremo - Sängerkireg (Akustik Radio Show) [Mittelalter Metal / 2009] Dominic Türk 4267
 In Flames - Come Clarity [Melodic Death Metal / 2006] Anja Kiesow 3546
 In Slumber - Scars: Incomplete [Melodic Death Core / 2007] Norman Hauer 3554
 In Strict Confidence - La Parade Monstreuse [Electro / 2010] Torben Knöpfler 3910
 In Strict Confidence - My Despair [Electro / 2009] Torben Knöpfler 3800
 In Twilight's Embrace - Buried In Between [ Metalcore / 2006 ] Norman Hauer 3701
 Incarnated - Pleasure Of Consumption [Death Metal/Grind / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3535
 Incrave - Dead End [Heavy Metal / 2008] Britta Krauss 10201
 Infaust - Blutbad und Melancholie [Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 4200
 Infected Brain - II [Brutal Death Metal / 2008] Steffen Eschmann 4173
 Inferno - Pompa Magna [Sci-Fi Grind`n`Roll/2009] Kevin Wedel 3978
 Infernum - The Curse [Black Metal / 2006] Oliver Schwippe 3381
 Infinite Horizon - Soul Reducer [Heavy Metal/2008] Simone Grigar 3944
 Informatik - Arena [Dark Elektro/2009] Kevin Wedel 3734
 Ingrimm - Böses Blut [Medieval Metal/2010] Kevin Wedel 17466
 Ingrimm - Todgeweiht [Medieval Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3858
 Inhume - Moulding the Deformed [Grindcore/2010] Kevin Wedel 21531
 Inner Aggression - Beginning of an Inner War [Melodic Black/Death/2007] Kevin Wedel 4200
 Insense - Soothing Torture [Metalcore / 2005] Dominic Türk 4869
 Insomnium - Above the Weeping World [Melodic Death Metal / 2006] Nathalie Mohr 3367
 Insomnium - Across The Dark [Death Metal / 2009] Sebastian Stach 3575
 Into Eternity - The Scattering of Ashes [Progressive Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3435
 Into The Void - Love For A Lifetime [ Gothic Metal / 2006 ] Norman Hauer 3455
 Intronaut - Void [Extreme Metal / 2006] Dominic Türk 3213
 IQ - Stage - Dark Matter Live [Progressive Rock / 2006] Dominic Türk 3147
 Irate Architect - Visitors [Deathgrind/2008] Kevin Wedel 3904
 Iron Fire - Blade Of Triumph [True Metal / 2007] Johannes Wagner 4544
 Iron Fire - To The Grave [True Metal / 2009] Johannes Wagner 3706
 Iron Horses - Titan'n'Bones [Heavy Metal / 2008] Britta Krauss 4148
 Iron Savior - Megatropolis [Power Metal / 2007] Johannes Wagner 3466
 Iskald - Revelations of Reckoning Day [Black Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3620
 Isole - Bliss Of Solitude [Epic Doom Metal/2008] Kevin Wedel 3664
 Isole - Silent Ruins [Epic Doom Metal / 2009] Johannes Wagner 3709
 It Bites - The Tall Ships [Progressive Rock / 2008] Dominic Türk 3559
 IXXI - Elect Darkness [Black`n`Roll / 2009] Dominik Winter 3670

60 Reviews gefunden.

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Pro-Pain - Absolute Power

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